This six day course is designed to set you up with all the elements required before both white water and open water canoe leader assessments. This includes the British Canoeing white water canoe leader training, Open water canoe leader training and the White Water Safety and Rescue courses. This six day comprehensive offering will set you up with a realistic, individualised and personalised pathway and action plan to becoming a successful open canoe leader in both environments. Time will be spent developing and challenging personal skills (both solo and tandem) and leadership skills to bring the syllabus and standards of the British Canoeing canoe leader awards to life.
See Course Dates & PricesTo delve into the syllabuses for all the training elements required before assessments. This includes two days covering the open water canoe leader syllabus, two days covering the white water canoe leader training syllabus and two days covering the white water safety and rescue syllabus
Start the booking process by selecting a course date, then adjust your details to suit your requirements.
This course is all booked for the upcoming dates!
We are always adding more dates , register your interest here to be the first to know when there is availability.