North Wales is the home of white water paddling in Wales. With numerous rivers on our doorstep, we can always find an ideal location for developing your skills. Using British Canoeing’s White Water award as our guide our highly qualified and experienced white water coaches we will help you to develop your white water skills whether you paddle a white water kayak, C1 or OC1. You will also be developing your ability to make appropriate decisions for an enjoyable and safe day out on the water. Helping you to understand the dynamics of flow and current and what to do if things don’t quite go to plan. By the end of the week, you’ll have the chance to get assessed and an action plan for future progress developed.
See Course Dates & PricesYour White Water Award endorses your skill, judgment and decision making to ensure a successful day on rivers up to grade 2. You will be confident in planning and undertaking journeys on moving water with proficient skills to be in control throughout. Your award should be seen as a sound basis for building the experience and knowledge associated with Progressive White Water Award holders. This award has replaced the 3* white Water kayak award.
You'll usually spend the first day on our lake and local river developing foundation skills. On your second day, you'll consolidate these skills, perhaps with a session in our rolling pool. On days three and four you'll complete the rest of the syllabus ready for your assessment on day five.
Start the booking process by selecting a course date, then adjust your details to suit your requirements.
*If your course is based at Plas Y Brenin, Capel Curig, residential prices include catering from the morning of your course start date and cover the duration of your course, accommodation starts on the night before your course commences to the morning of the last day of your booking.