BMC FUNdamentals Of Climbing 2
  • Plas y Brenin
  • 1 Days
  • 10 People to 1 instructor

BMC FUNdamentals Of Climbing 2

  • Climb
See Course Dates & Prices


If you've already attended our BMC FUNdamentals of Climbing 1 workshop, come back to broaden your knowledge of athlete development. During this one day workshop you'll develop your coaching techniques for indoor and outdoor climbing. We'll cover precise and accurate footwork, using different handholds, body positioning, and the different techniques used to climb on steep, vertical and slightly overhanging rock. This workshop is part of the training pathway for Mountain Training's new Climbing Coach award scheme.

See Course Dates & Prices

The Objectives

The FUNdamentals of Climbing 2 builds upon the first workshop, looking at how specific techniques can be coached, and is part of the training for the Development Coach Award. The learning outcomes for the FUNdamentals 2 Workshop are that you will be able to;

  • Explain, demonstrate and evaluate key climbing movement principles
  • Identify and apply appropriate activities to develop the FUNdamentals of climbing movement


* Please note: Itinerary is subject to weather and availability.

The Following is an Example Course Program

Agility, Balance and Coordination


Floor and wall exercises

Common climbing errors

FUNdamental Climbing Skills

Centre of Gravity

Weight Transfer

Economy of Climbing Movement


Awareness of useable parts of the boot

Precision and accuracy

Understanding friction

Foot swapping


Hand swapping

Long Term Participant Development – LTPD

Stages of climbing development

Chronological versus biological age

Windows of opportunity

Trainability vs adaptability in childhood

Critical or sensitive periods of growth

Overall physical, cognitive and emotional development

Experience Required

You need to have attended the FUNdamentals of Climbing 1 workshop to attend this second workshop.

Support is on hand from our friendly, and exceptionally well qualified, staff to help develop your understanding and personal skills. They also help you to formulate an appropriate action plan for your further development.

What do I need to bring?
Equipment List
How should I prepare?
Preparation guide

Available Course Dates

Start the booking process by selecting a course date, then adjust your details to suit your requirements.

Course Start Date
Course Start Date
28th October, 2025
1 Day
Course Start Date
30th November, 2025
1 Day

*If your course is based at Plas Y Brenin, Capel Curig, residential prices include catering from the morning of your course start date and cover the duration of your course, accommodation starts on the night before your course commences to the morning of the last day of your booking.

2026 dates are coming soon! Sign up to our waitlist to be the first to know when they're released
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This course will help you become

Knowledgeable on climbing movement techniques needed for the Development Coach Award.

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